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hi friends!

Follow me around my sketch book, yoga mat, the city of Los Angeles & all over the world in my new blog. 

Whether you're here to learn more about my creative services, practice some mindful yoga, follow my traveling adventures or simply like what I am doing—I seriously so happy to have you here. You are an incredible soul and I can't wait to hopefully get to know you better. 

How to Cleanse your Space
Life Bella Gonzalez Life Bella Gonzalez

How to Cleanse your Space

My how to guide of purging, organizing, making space, and truly #springcleansing. This weekend I’ve worked on cleansing. Cleansing both physically and emotionally. Digging deep, into the parts that sometimes hurt. Bringing everything to the surface. Going through it all with gratitude. Getting rid the things that no longer spark joy. And making so much room for the new stuff to grow.

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