Not Just Another Travel Romance, Pt. 2

bella gonzalez delicate arch moab utah

A girl and a boy; both on individual ambitious paths to success. A meet cute beyond belief. A change in course. A story that continues to shock me and those I get to share it with. Too long for one blog, so here it is, in parts. A Match Made in Moab, part 2.

A lot can happen in a week.

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Day two of my road trip and I find myself passing into a new state I’ve yet to visit, Utah. I drive north over the boarder between Arizona and Utah and my mind is blown. While Arizona’s landscape was something out of a painting, Utah’s seemed to gleam with magic. No one was around, so I stopped in the middle of the road, crawled out of my sun roof and took in this majestic, wide open space, so thankful I decided to take the long way home. 


After a few hours of driving, I stroll into my destination just before sunset, Moab, Utah—or more specifically Arches National Park. I’d done some previous research about the area, had a plan to stay one night in a cheap hotel (which was unfortunately outside of the city), and made a plan to watch the sunset that evening over a beautiful lookout and intended to hike the Delicate Arch for sunrise the following day. Then I was to be on my way to Colorado. 

Colorado never came.

When I drove into Moab under Utah cotton candy summer skies, I see a large, terribly designed, yet undeniably eye-catching sign, “HOSTEL”. I slam on brakes. If you don’t know this about me yet, let me explain: I love hostels. They are a place where adventure loving, outgoing, fearless people gather to take on a new place, drink some cheap drinks, and make some short but lasting memories. I searched along my route for hostels before embarking, but had little luck finding many on my online search. It was the literal sign I had been looking for. 


I mosey in The Lazy Lizard Hostel and within seconds am greeted by the friendliest, coolest, most rugged and interesting people I’ve yet to encounter in the US. I book my dorm (a whopping $14.77 a night), walk outside to the common area and introduce myself to the group around the picnic table. “Wanna jump out of a plane tomorrow morning?” a fellow asks looking right at me. Without a minute to think to hesitate I say, “Hell yeah, let’s go!” 

One night turned to two, two to four, before I know it it’s night six and I’m convincing my new friends (and mostly myself) that tomorrow I HAVE to leave and finish my trip. It’s hard to recount just how unique my 6 nights at the Lazy Lizard Hostel were; but here are some of the highlights:

  • I skydived for the second time & got to ride shotgun in the plane for the most insane acrobatic plane ride

  • I met some of the coolest, most down to earth people of my life (one of which I now consider my soul sister; I see you Allison)

  • I hiked 5 different majestic trails including the Delicate Arch, and a few secret ones

  • I clipped jumped off a waterfall.

  • I attended an authentic desert rave. Y’all, it was wild. 

  • Drank the matrimony springs water… ifkyk.

  • I co-hosted two hostel diner party nights. 

  • And on the last night, my life changed.

This is not a drill.


So there I was, it’s Friday and night #6, the night I promised myself was my last in Moab. I’m was working on my computer in the common area of the Hostel, waiting for a dust storm to pass so I could attend a BLM rally that evening. In walks a new group of people into the hostel. This was not good, this was bad, because me being me— I had to chat with them… I just can’t help myself. The only way to describe this group was almost uncomfortably attractive; they were tall, mostly blonde, a bit quiet, but for sure friendly. 


“Welcome to Lazy Lizard, what are your names? I’m Bella, you’re literally going to love it here—I can’t seem to leave!” I say.

They look at me a bit confused, but one of the group decides to come over and engage in some conversation with me. The one I hoped wouldn’t. The “drop-dead handsome-I-might-model-for-banana-republic” one who had no business talking to “wet-hair-no-makeup-looking-like-a-legit-drifter-with-a-MacBook” Bella.

“Hi, I’m Levi. What are you working on?” he says.

Let me set the stage for a second—earlier in the week, two boys decided that they had a crush on me, and while they were both interesting, sweet and attractive I ultimately did not reciprocate any feelings because I knew that now was my time to do me, without concern for others. So that’s my headspace when Levi Linchenko literally walked into my life. 

I tell Levi my story and he tells me his. Within seconds we both realize how uniquely similar our situations in life are, and how ambitious our goals are too. He’s a software developer who works remotely, I’m a graphic designer who works remotely. He’s a musician, I’m an artist. He’s an adventurer and traveler, and so am I. Plus we can both do back flips and handstands. He tells me his friends’ plans for their weekend in Moab including off roading and rock climbing (two of my literal fave activities) and even invites me. I decline and tell him my plans to leave tomorrow. I try my best to give off “I’m a badass solo traveling girl who def doesn’t need a boy” platonic vibes. It worked for like 10 mins. 

Before I know it Levi is playing guitar and jamming with Austin, another friend who works at the hostel. Both guys are truly incredible musicians, but my eyes kept wandering to Levi, even though I was yelling inside, “give them equal attention, Bella!”

A change in energy.

meet Levi.

meet Levi.

It was in this moment that I let my guard down for only a moment, just long enough to meet eyes with Levi and feel a spark of magic I can’t quite describe. It probably appeared to an outsider that he was singing his song to the room, but I felt like the only one there, like he was singing right to me.

Levi’s group leaves to go to dinner, and the rest of the hostel dwellers gather for a night of silly drinking games and conversation. As we chat around, everyone comments on the attraction level of Levi’s whole group and a few of the girls attempt to call dibs on Levi himself lol. I stay quiet, repeating to myself that I have no business getting involved with a random boy from Utah.

You have no business liking this boy, Bella.

You have no business liking this boy, Bella.

You have no business liking this boy, Bella.

End of part 2.

xoxo, bella.


Not Just Another Travel Romance, Pt. 3


Not Just Another Travel Romance, Pt. 1