Not Just Another Travel Romance, Pt. 1


A girl and a boy; both on individual ambitious paths to success. A meet cute beyond belief. A change in course. A story that continues to shock me and those I get to share it with. Too long for one blog, so here it is, in parts. A Match Made in Moab, part 1.

Just imagine. 

You’re driving across the country. Car is loaded, the plan is set, the road is open, the snacks are flying, you’re smiling bigger than ever before. 


That was me, May 30, 2020. In the midst of the pandemic, I said farewell to my city, Los Angeles, in search of new adventures—solo. Over the course of 3 months in quarantined confinement in my sweet apartment with my dear roommates, I experienced a huge mental shift. A transition within my soul that allowed me to be fully and completely content in who I am, where I am, and excitement (without fear) for what is to come. A contentment that made me want for nothing material, only for new experiences and to share my light with others. And that was my mission. 

It wasn’t until I was forced to find that peace within myself that I finally have been able to begin to grow a solid foundation, a place of reprieve totally and completely on my own ground. 

I spent decades seeking this peace through avenues that lead nowhere but despair. Constantly seeking a new romantic interest, a new goal, a new project. Attempting to build my place of peace in an external object (i.e. boyfriend, new business endeavor, new city). You see, the foundation I build my sanctuary on was not in my control. No wonder this peace never stayed. It wasn’t until I was forced to find that peace within myself that I finally have been able to begin to grow a solid foundation, a place of reprieve totally and completely on my own ground. 

It’s funny that just as a I began this new peaceful journey within myself leaving the outside world behind, people noticed too. I became less and less fearful of what the world thought of me; and the world seemed to embrace me more. I became less needy for approval from others; and I began to receive more love and support than ever before. I stopped looking for a romantic companion; and boys seemed to be more attracted to me than ever. I stopped fearing poor financial situations; and prosperity has come more abundantly than ever.

So back to May 30th.

Tears roll down my face as I leave the city of my dreams, not out of sadness, instead with so much gratitude for the transformation it’s granted me, I couldn’t help but sob with happiness. I stare out of the windshield looking forward to the new delights destined to meet me on the horizon. I glance in the rearview and let out a sweet whisper, “thank you,” to my dearest LA. Then lean up and to the right to meet my own gaze. Seeing passed the face God has given me, passed the layers of who my ego likes to think I am, and ultimately deep into my untethered soul.

bella gonzalez

I wink. She grins back. All is well. So I blast the music, stomp the gas, and ride fast into the unknown delights waiting for me on my journey east. Not even remotely understanding the treasures that lie just ahead, but just as joyful as if I did. 


Not Just Another Travel Romance, Pt. 2


How to Make Hard Decisions