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hi friends!

Follow me around my sketch book, yoga mat, the city of Los Angeles & all over the world in my new blog. 

Whether you're here to learn more about my creative services, practice some mindful yoga, follow my traveling adventures or simply like what I am doing—I seriously so happy to have you here. You are an incredible soul and I can't wait to hopefully get to know you better. 

Manifesting Your Destination
Yoga Bella Gonzalez Yoga Bella Gonzalez

Manifesting Your Destination

Why I chose to complete yoga teacher training online during the COVID-19 epidemic. Earlier this year I began manifesting a dream into reality. To teach yoga around the world. I’m not sure how familiar you are with the concept of manifestation, but it’s a pretty simple concept: truly believe your dream is already a reality—think it, speak it, attract it— and it will be/is already yours.

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