Manifesting Your Destination

Joshua Tree, California. 2019

Joshua Tree, California. 2019

Why I chose to complete yoga teacher training online during the COVID-19 epidemic.

Earlier this year I began manifesting a dream into reality. To teach yoga around the world. I’m not sure how familiar you are with the concept of manifestation, but it’s a pretty simple concept: truly believe your dream is already a reality—think it, speak it, attract it— and it will be/is already yours. 

Ha Long Bay, Vietnam. 2020

Ha Long Bay, Vietnam. 2020

I know I will be teaching yoga in exotic places later this year, but I did think my path to do that would look a little different. In my perfected plan, I saw myself learning yoga from Indian gurus in Rishikesh, India, then traveling all around South East Asia and Oceania gaining experience, teaching yoga, providing my creative services digitally, and exploring the world. 

It’s strange because although I’ve had this whole plan laid out, when I actually visualize myself I can only see myself teaching others in exotic places, but I never really see myself at an exotic teacher training—I just figured it would happen. 

Well, I’m not sure what that means or if it means anything, but I will tell you, that I’ve learned from mentors and books about manifestation that knowing your destination, but being flexible in your path there is key. My destination is to teach students in exotic places, but the path I thought was going to get me there is rapidly changing. Due to outside forces (corona virus) and internal feelings (I’m a bit impatient right now at home), I’ve opened my mind to new paths, but kept my destination solid. 

Equinox Westwood, Yoga studio. 2019.

Equinox Westwood, Yoga studio. 2019.

A new path—a path I never thought was going to be on my journey has presented itself to me. The world is temporarily paused; we’re all in our homes, the yoga studios are closed, the retreats are postposed, the planes are grounded. But our energy remains and thankfully we can channel that energy through movement in our bodies (even at home), communication via the phone and internet, and we can even take this time to convert our energy into productive learning. 

Enter—online yoga teacher training. I know, before you begin to let your judgments arise (don’t worry, I had more than a few reservations myself), let me explain why it’s important to see the big picture, and more importantly, the destination. If my goal is to teach in exotic places, I need: 1) to be a licensed yoga teacher, which takes a minimum of a month, 2) yoga teaching experience, 3) the tenacity to get out there, apply, and begin the process. 

When this great pause first happened, I thought the whole process would be halted and that I would just have to wait until this was all over to begin, even if the thought of online training came into my mind I shoed it away because I thought that it wasn’t for me. But I always go back to my destination, and begin to remember that manifestation (God, the universe, etc.) works in mysterious ways, ways I don’t always understand. 

As a global community, we most likely have another month of isolation, and what better way to utilize that time than to begin my process early—to come away from this unfortunate experience as potentially a new person, with a whole knew understanding of my passion. A girl one step closer to her destination. And then when we are able to swim back into the world again, I can begin working on step two. I could most definitely begin my journey traveling doing exactly what I have been visualizing for months: teaching yoga in exotic places.

Home. 2019.

Home. 2019.

Now that’s what I call magic and that’s the magic of manifesting, yet being openminded to new paths to your destination. Just like in meditation—no judgement to yourself, to your circumstance, to your thoughts, be in this moment and ask how can you make the most of it. Then I believe the path will begin to appear. 

So with that being said, I am happy to announce that I will begin commencing my 200 hr yoga teacher training from home, but with a community of yoga lovers from all over the world. Flowing, learning, and growing together so that we can blossom after the storm is over. I am so excited and can’t wait to share it all with you. 



How to Meditate


Resting in the Pause