How to Meditate

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Let me take you through a simple mindful meditation of mine. I have it transcribed below, but if you would prefer to listen, attached is a 10 min recorded guided meditation to help you ease gracefully into your meditation. 


How to Meditate Step By Step: 

  • Find a comfortable place to sit either on a chair or on the ground. 

  • Make sure your spine is straight and your gaze is forward and soft 

  • Completely relax without losing your posture.

  • Place a hand over your heart and the other over your stomach

Step One: Breathe

Take three, grounding three-part diaphragmatic breaths. 

  1. Begin by inhaling through your nose all the way down into your belly

  2. then into your diaphragm

  3. lastly up into your chest

  • Hold for 3 

  1. Exhale out of your mouth beginning at your chest

  2. Out your diaphragm 

  3. And then all the way out of your stomach pulling your navel in

  • Repeat 3 times

On the final exhale close your eyes. 

Relax your hands on your legs. 

Step Two: Observe

Observe what is around you through your sense of sound, smell, and touch. No judgements just observations. 


  • First listen to every sound you can possibly hear, beginning with the loudest

  • Do you hear cars? Talking in the distance? The washing machine? 

  • Is there music? Do you hear the air conditioning? 

  • What about your breath? What about your heartbeat?


  • Smell the scents around you. 

  • Sometimes you think you don’t smell anything but most of the time we just become used to smells and if you pay attention you may be able to articulate them.

  • Do you smell a candle burning? Food cooking somewhere nearby?

  • Are you outside, do you smell the grass or trees? The smell of your shampoo?


  • Feel what your body is in contact with. 

  • How do your sit bones feel on the chair or floor? What about your feet on the ground?

  • How does gravity feel pulling you down? What about the air around you? 

  • Does it feel cold or hot on your skin? How do your clothes feel touching your body?

Analyze these senses and observed to your contentment.

Step Three: Scan your body 

  • Beginning either at the top of your head or at your toes.

  • Imagine a laser is scanning your body from both the front and the back. 

  • Scan slowly and notice how each part of your body feels, try not to move. 

  • What parts of your body are tense? How does your tummy feel?

  • Are your legs tired or restless? Do your arms have energy or are they lethargic? 

  • Scan every inch of your body without breaking focus until you finish

Step Four: Turn your attention to your breath.

  • Try not to change your natural breathing rhythm. 

  • First, where do you detect your breath most obviously? 

  • Maybe in your nose and nostrils? 

  • Some feel it grazing their upper lip. 

  • Do you feel it in your chest? 

  • Maybe you feel your waistline expanding and contracting under your pants.

  • Focus on the place you detect it easiest. 

  • Notice the quality of your breath.

  • Does it feel strong? Deep? 

  • Shallow? And soft? 

  • Is it slow or fast or somewhere in between? 

  • Feel the breath flow into your lungs and out of your body. 

Consciously focus on your breathe. 

  • Now just focus on your breath. 

  • Thoughts will come into your mind without end. 

  • Let them come without judgement. 

  • And then let them go. 

  • Come back to your breath. 

  • Inhale and exhale. 

  • Occasionally your mind will wander. 

  • You’ll forget your breath, but you’ll notice after a second. 

  • No worries or judgments, just come right back to your breath. 

Just inhale. 

Just exhale. 

Step Five: Rest your mind. 

  • For the next minute let your attention to your breath fade. 

  • Remain still with your eyes closed. 

  • Let your mind relax and think as it pleases. 

  • Hear sounds around you if you’d like.

  • Notice your body. 

  • Think about the thing that keeps coming back. 

  • Whatever your mind wants to do, let it. 

Step Six: Come back to your space. 

  • Keep your eyes closed. 

  • Deepen your inhales and exhales. 

  • Inhale, roll your shoulders up 

  • Exhale, gently lets them fall back and down.

  • Notice how your body feels now compared to before. 

  • Blink your eyes open. 

  • Give gratitude to your mind and body.

  • Slowly move your body again. 

Your meditation practice is complete. 

I hope you enjoyed that practice and hopefully begin to integrate mindful meditation into your daily life.



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