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hi friends!

Follow me around my sketch book, yoga mat, the city of Los Angeles & all over the world in my new blog. 

Whether you're here to learn more about my creative services, practice some mindful yoga, follow my traveling adventures or simply like what I am doing—I seriously so happy to have you here. You are an incredible soul and I can't wait to hopefully get to know you better. 

Not Just Another Travel Romance, Pt. 2
Travel, Life Bella Gonzalez Travel, Life Bella Gonzalez

Not Just Another Travel Romance, Pt. 2

A girl and a boy; both on individual ambitious paths to success. A meet cute beyond belief. A change in course. A story that continues to shock me and those I get to share it with. Too long for one blog, so here it is, in parts. A Match Made in Moab, part 2.

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Not Just Another Travel Romance, Pt. 1
Travel, Life Bella Gonzalez Travel, Life Bella Gonzalez

Not Just Another Travel Romance, Pt. 1

A girl and a boy; both on individual ambitious paths to success. A meet cute beyond belief. A change in course. A story that continues to shock me and those I get to share it with. Too long for one blog, so here it is, in parts. A Match Made in Moab, part 1.

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I Moved to LA for a Year, and Here’s What Happened
Travel, Life Bella Gonzalez Travel, Life Bella Gonzalez

I Moved to LA for a Year, and Here’s What Happened

I started a youtube channel! Here’s my first video—Went from living at home with my parents in Mississippi after college to making a huge move across the country to Los Angeles. One incredible year in Los Angles, my favorite city, with my new friends, and huge growth. So sad to leave this beautiful city but excited to head out on my next adventure—traveling around the world for a year+. Stay tuned for more about that here on my channel!

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How to Make a Vision Board That Works
Life, Art, Meditation Bella Gonzalez Life, Art, Meditation Bella Gonzalez

How to Make a Vision Board That Works

It’s probable that at some point in your life, you’ve either made a vision board or have at least attempted to. Vision boards have the potential to be an instrumental tool for growth in your life if you create them with the right intentions. Making a vision board to get crafty or create a cute bulletin board for your desk is great, but taking it a step further and asking yourself some deep questions can turn a fun craft project into a life changing vision of your future.

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My Morning Routine— Working From Home
Life, Meditation Bella Gonzalez Life, Meditation Bella Gonzalez

My Morning Routine— Working From Home

As a freelance graphic designer who works from home, I have developed, refined, and keep refining my morning routine. I used to be fearful of “routines” I thought the word was dirty for a freelancer. Now that I’ve had a whole year of solo freelancing/working from home under my belt, I’ve really begun to appreciate the value in having a routine, at least in the mornings. I’ve refined my routine to a few simple steps that never fail to put me in a productive mood that lasts the whole day. Here is my morning routine step by step.

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How to Cleanse your Space
Life Bella Gonzalez Life Bella Gonzalez

How to Cleanse your Space

My how to guide of purging, organizing, making space, and truly #springcleansing. This weekend I’ve worked on cleansing. Cleansing both physically and emotionally. Digging deep, into the parts that sometimes hurt. Bringing everything to the surface. Going through it all with gratitude. Getting rid the things that no longer spark joy. And making so much room for the new stuff to grow.

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Resting in the Pause
Life Bella Gonzalez Life Bella Gonzalez

Resting in the Pause

Life is like a body of water we’re swimming in. The goal is land in the distance, our swimming trajectory is the plan, and life is the waves. And boy, the last few years the waves have been big. We’re used to getting hit with big waves and swimming through, but something is different now. Now the water is still, it’s thick, and we’re slowed down. Slowed so much that we are forced to pause.

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I fell in love in Vietnam & it's okay.
Life, Travel Bella Gonzalez Life, Travel Bella Gonzalez

I fell in love in Vietnam & it's okay.

Today I want to talk about the time I legit fell in love (maybe even got married lol) and traveled with a boy I barely knew in South East Asia—and how I had the most amazing experience of my life because I let go of old values and began living in the present.

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Starting a Business Ain’t Easy
Life Bella Gonzalez Life Bella Gonzalez

Starting a Business Ain’t Easy

As the daughter of four inspiring parents, all of whom are entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship is in my veins. My first business endeavor happened at the ripe age of 5 years old—I made jewelry from pipe cleaners & beads and, believe it or not, people actually bought them on a retail display at my mom's salon (haha poor customers).

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